Advanced Headache Center
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The top-rated, Ivy League trained (Harvard & Columbia Medical School) headache doctor and migraine relief specialist, Dr. Hosny of Advanced Headache Center in NYC, take a sophisticated treatment approach to the common headache.
Board Certified headache medicine doctor and migraine treatment specialist Dr. Amr Hosny, MD, MBA, AQH, is best in class New York physician who provides highly personalized and comprehensive head pain treatments in NYC. Voted by peers as Castle Connolly Top Doctor and New York Super Doctor, he is among the best headache relief practitioners and migraine doctors in the country, widely recognized as the preeminent clinician/scientist in headache medicine.
Visit our new cutting-edge Headache Center for instant migraine relief if you experience persistent headaches or migraines (intense pounding headache) or feel a mild to severe pain in the forehead, temples, and back of the neck.
Affiliated with the best-rated hospitals in New York, our practice utilizes the entire range of safe and effective headache treatment techniques and modalities to treat head pain and discomfort. For more information about the New York Advanced Headache Center, our doctors, or to schedule a consultation with Amr Hosny MD, please contact our headache, migraine specialists in New York City by number: 646-763-2222.
Advanced Headache Center
41 5th Avenue,
New York, NY 10003
Our location on the map:
Nearby Locations:
Union Square | Peter Cooper Village | Ukrainian Village | Noho | Greenwich Village
10003 | 10009, 10010 | 10012 | 10014
Working Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am–7pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
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A migraine headache is an intense headache that can become so severe that it can disrupt your day-to-day life. Migraine headaches can be very painful but also cause a surplus of other symptoms not associated with a general headache. Migraines can also be a chronic condition and can be due to other factors.
What are the symptoms of migraine headaches?
While the symptoms of migraine headaches vary depending on each individual, the most common signs and symptoms of a migraine headache include: intense pain, throbbing or pulsing in one or multiple sides of the head, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.
While some people only experience a migraine headache once in a while, for others, migraine headaches can be debilitating and/or chronic.
What are the most common causes of migraine headaches
The exact cause of migraine headaches is not fully understood. Many researchers believe that a migraine can be caused by a change in hormone levels in the brain.
Common triggers for Migraines include: stress, bright lights, smells, medications you are taking, lack of sleep or too much sleep, alcohol, and foods containing aspartame or MSG.
The first step in treating Migraines is to make an appointment to see one of our specialists to learn about your treatment options.
For more information about the New York Advanced Headache Center, our doctors, or to schedule a consultation with Amr Hosny MD, please contact our headache, migraine specialists in New York City by number: 646-763-2222.
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Advanced Headache Center
41 5th Avenue,
New York, NY 10003
Our location on the map:
Nearby Locations:
Union Square | Peter Cooper Village | Ukrainian Village | Noho | Greenwich Village
10003 | 10009, 10010 | 10012 | 10014
Working Hours:
Monday: 8am–7pm
Tuesday: 8am–7pm
Wednesday: 8am–7pm
Thursday: 8am–7pm
Friday: 8am–7pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Advanced Headache Center doctors specialize in treating the debilitating effects of headaches.
Our team of multi-disciplinary specialists is dedicated to providing patients with state-of-the-art diagnostic assessments and treatments to improve quality of life.
At the Advanced Headache Center, our approach to headache treatment is a multi-faceted, integrative approach aimed to provide headache pain relief and headache prevention.
For a limited time, we offer a discount on any procedure for all patients paying cash.
Advanced Headache Center
41 5th Avenue,
New York, NY 10003
Our location on the map:
Nearby Locations:
Union Square | Peter Cooper Village | Ukrainian Village | Noho | Greenwich Village
10003 | 10009, 10010 | 10012 | 10014
Working Hours:
Monday: 8am–7pm
Tuesday: 8am–7pm
Wednesday: 8am–7pm
Thursday: 8am–7pm
Friday: 8am–7pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Product Categories
- Headache Medicine,
- Interventional Pain Medicine,
- Spine Specialist
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