Chris Magnus
PC-12 Market Research
at Bell Aviation
Lexington, SC
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A world leader in aircraft sales and acquisitions, Bell Aviation specializes in buying and selling quality airplanes. Founded in 1990, Bell Aviation's success in exceeding customer expectations has consistently produced a growing customer base.
Today Bell Aviation maintains fully staffed offices located in Dallas, Texas; Grand Junction Airport (GJT) in Grand Junction, Colorado and its home base at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) in Columbia, South Carolina.
With national representation and a global reach, Bell Aviation is proud to conduct business fluently in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, providing professional services with no boundaries.
From locating aircraft of the highest quality to suit your every need to creating maximum exposure for aircraft you are selling, Bell Aviation works directly with customers to simplify and expedite transactions.
Bell Aviation's highly trained and motivated staff works with the latest technology and most aggressive marketing strategies. By advertising worldwide in every major trade journal and website, Bell Aviation offers constant exposure to private jets and airplanes for sale. Custom brochures are created for each aircraft available for sale in addition to thousands of direct mail flyers circulated each month.
Bell Aviation works to save customers valuable time and money when buying and selling aircraft. Let Bell Aviation go to work for you. Don't schedule your life around flights. Schedule flights around your life.
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PC-12 Market Research
Bell Aviation- Present | West Columbia, SC (CAE)
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