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HuddleMall Formatting Guidelines

Please include the following mandatory fields in your product feed with the field headers listed as they appear below. All fields marked "Optional" are optional and you do not need to populate them. "Recommended" fields help you get the most out of your product listing, though they are also not required. Please contact HuddleMall at or (513) 794-3340 with any questions.

Please save as CSV format.

PROGRAMNAME This field denotes the name of your company on IndustryHuddle. Mandatory
PROGRAMURL This field denotes the base URL of your ecommerce or regular website. Mandatory
CATALOGNAME This refers to a specific catalog these products belong to. Optional
LASTUPDATED This is the last date a product was updated. Optional
NAME This is the name of the product. Mandatory
KEYWORDS These are keywords that will be indexed in search on HuddleMall. Recommended
DESCRIPTION This is the item description. Recommended
SKU This is the item SKU. Optional
MANUFACTURER This is the manufacturer of the item. Mandatory
UPC This is the UPC. Recommended
ISBN This is the ISBN code for the item. Books Only
CURRENCY Please mark USD if you are selling the product in USD. Contact if your product utilizes another currency. Mandatory
SALEPRICE This is the sale price. Please plan on updating items when the sale price no longer applies. Optional
PRICE This is the listed price for the item. Mandatory
RETAILPRICE This is the retail price of the item. Optional
BUYURL This is the link to the individual item listing on your ecommerce store. Mandatory
IMAGEURL This is the URL of the item's photo. The photo will automatically be resized. Recommended
ADVERTISERCATEGORY This is the category of the existing item. Check existing item categories and fit them in one in order to reduce processing time. Mandatory
INDUSTRYID This is the Industry Store your product will be listed under. Note: Your company must be registered in this industry on IndustryHuddle. You can find an industry's ID by visiting the related store on HuddleMall, and checking the URL: e.g. has an ID of 46. Mandatory
INSTOCK Mark “Yes” if this is in stock. For any updates, mark “No” to denote a product is out of stock. We'll keep the product on file but make it invisible to shoppers. Mandatory
CONDITION This is the condition of the item. Preferred terms: “New” “Refurbished” “Scratch and Dent” “Used” Recommended
WARRANTY This is the warranty – describe it here. Recommended
STANDARDSHIPPINGCOST This is the shipping cost in US dollars. Leave this blank if shipping is free. Mandatory