IZAK Scientific
Service Provider
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IZAK Scientific is a full-service optical engineering company providing customized optical/electro-optical systems and control systems. Our team includes physicists, optical systems engineering experts, and electrical, opto-mechanical, and mechanical engineers. We have a proven record of excellence in optical systems design, sensor design, and designing light sources for defense, medical devices, and consumer applications. In addition to a fully customized optical/electro-optical solution, we provide control systems engineering services and software applications to control your system.
Business Phone: +972 72-250-5555
Hours of operation: Sun-Thu: 8:00am-8:00pm || Fri: 8am-4pm
Payment Method: Wire transfer, PayPAL, credit card, etc.
Services offer: Research, Design and development of Electro-Optics and photonics systems, LabVIEW software development for tester and automation
Product offer: PXL - Pulsed Xenon Lamp moudles for scientific applications
PXL Sanitizer - high power UV sanitizer for surfaces disinfectant
ReadyDAQ - software for data acquisition with NI DAQ devices, data logger and data analyzer.
Annual Sales Volume
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