3D Eyebrow Studio
End-User (Consumer)
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Phone : +1 514-570-9441
3D Eyebrow Studio & Academy was founded in 2012 and was the first microblading salon in Montreal, Quebec. Since 2012, the salon has served many happy clients with microblading and permanent makeup needs. Because of Jenya's extensive training and attention to customer satisfaction, 3D Eyebrow Studio has become a very high-rated salon in the Montreal region. The staff at the studio is highly trained and courteous, making sure that each client gets exactly what they're looking for. Jenya hires only the best and ensures that all safety and quality standards are met for her salon. If you're interested in microblading for your eyebrows, permanent makeup, or 3D powder shading for a natural, makeup-free look, 3D Eyebrow Studio is the name
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