Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center
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In its first 22 years, ACIMC has achieved a monument in the medical history of Pakistan by conceiving the first baby through “Frozen Embryo Transfer”, an advance medical procedure developed through the transfer of technology from our Australian counterparts.
The ACIMC is at the fore-front of fertility technology, consistently recording high success rates, a substantial percentage of our cases have had positive results with more than 11,000 pregnancies. Our programs address both male and female infertility problems with thoroughness.
What is IVF? ACIMC is the Best IVF center in Pakistan. Offers IVF procedure to Treat Infertility. In Vitro Fertilization cycle. IVF treatment process and IVF side effects.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an advanced procedure and performed as part of an IVF treatment cycle to achieve higher fertilization rates.
Gender predictor procedure in ACIMC. Treated preimplantation genetic diagnosis program and PGD testing. What is PGD? Discuss PGD treatment PGD meaning and PGD education.
IVF Clinic In Lahore, IVF Clinic In Karachi, IVF
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What is IVF? ACIMC is the Best IVF centre in Pakistan. Offers IVF procedure to Treat Infertility. In Vitro Fertilization cycle. IVF treatment process and IVF side effects.
Product Categories
- IVF Treatment,
- ICSI Procedure in Pakistan,
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