John A. Macoviak
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John A. Macoviak is a retired Cardiothoracic transplant surgeon and academician from Atherton, CA. John A. Macoviak was the first Cardiothoracic surgeon to perform a heart transplant in Washington, D.C. and served as the lead heart transplant surgeon at the Heart Transplant Consortium, a group of hospitals in the D.C. area. For over 30 years, Dr. John A. Macoviak’s life’s work centered around the teaching of cardiac health management, and diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. In addition to his extensive career as a surgeon, Dr. John A. Macoviak has written many wellness articles on controlling hypertension and diabetes. Dr. Macoviak graduated from Georgetown University Cum Laude (B.S) and Magna Cum Laude (M.D). Dr. Macoviak completed his residencies at the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford, Connecticut in transplant surgery. In his spare time, John A. Macoviak consults on transplant cases with peers.
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