Kwik Bandit Inc
Manufacturer, Importer or Master Wholesaler
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Kwik Bandit is dedicated to work alongside individual industries to help solve their unique banding requirements. Through ongoing research and development, a team of engineers is ready to discuss the needs of each industry and provide the best solution to its existing banding and bundling problems.
The Kwik Bandit product line can band products as small as 0.5 inches to an unlimited diameter.
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Our Advantage
Kwik Bandit is a safer product as well as being easy to apply and remove. This results in more efficiency on the job, protection for your employees and a improved bottom line. Use the product over and over again. It never stretches out. It always goes back to its original form.
One of the greatest advantages of the Kwik Bandit is the fact that when released there is a reduced amount of stored energy that is very easy to control. With the lack of uncontrolled dangerous stored energy and the fact that there are no sharp rigid edges we can eliminate the chances of injuries like lacerations, eye injuries or teeth fractures. These types of injuries are very costly to companies from the onset of caring for the injured worker through the investigation process and the loss of time and productivity.
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