Land O'Lakes
Manufacturer, Importer or Master Wholesaler
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Land O'Lakes, Inc. is a member-owned agricultural cooperative based in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Focusing on the dairy industry, we have about 3,600 direct producer-members, 1,000 member-cooperatives, and about 10,000 employees who process and distribute products for about 300,000 agricultural producers handling 12 billion pounds of milk annually. We're ranked third on the National Cooperative Bank Co-op 100 list of mutuals and cooperatives. The co-op is one of the largest producers of butter and cheese in the United States.
Annual Sales Volume
Over $1 Billion
Number of Employees
My HuddlePost
Product Categories
- Dairy,
- Milk,
- Cheese,
- Butter,
- Cream,
- Restaurant Supply,
- Consumer Packaged Foodstuffs
Online Catalog/Resources
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