Nicolai Grosell
Service Provider
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Phone: 646-321-9738
When human beings believe their life has no meaning, it’s not uncommon for them to feel like something is wrong with them. They may feel stuck, frustrated, and depressed. In extreme cases, they may even consider harming themselves. If you can relate to any of what I shared above, you’re not alone. I started therapy because I was dealing with childhood traumas. I had reached a plateau. I had a great life…but emotionally I felt flat. My heart was closed. I couldn’t connect with people. I felt disconnected from the world around me. Then a friend recommended I go to Core Energetics Therapy. It was there I discovered my plateau was because of my previous childhood traumas. It was there I discovered why traditional “talk” therapies don’t work. Traditional talk therapy is based in your mind. So it may help you cope in the short-term, but it does not address the “root causes” of most traumas. These are stored in your body. Nicolai Grosell - Somatic Therapist - Core Energetics Therapy - 7 In Core Energetics, I learned somatic and body-based therapies to safely and compassionately release the old patterns stored in my body. As layer after layer was peeled away, I began to feel safer and more secure to express all of myself. My sessions were a “Sacred Space” for me to explore all aspects of my being: positive and negative, light and dark.
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