Paragon Lawn and Landscape Inc
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With dozens, if not hundreds of lawn care companies to choose from in the Fraser Valley region, why choose us?
The lawn care and landscape maintenance industry is evolving and growing faster each year. At Paragon, we believe in setting ourselves apart from the rest.
This means a having a dedicated team who is truly passionate about what they do. This means not settling for ""good"", but striving for ""excellent"".
This means taking the time and care to leave an appearance on your property that will get a double take. This means a customer experience that leaves our clients feeling like they are valued, well taken care of, and free of any stress or worries.
As our company grows and evolves to stay amongst the best in the industry, it's important to us to maintain an approach to our profession that remains passionate and ethical.
Business Phone - +1 778-241-8962
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