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Perry Testing Ltd

Service Provider

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  • Building & Construction


Unit S3 Ground Floor Ashley House Vale Industrial Estate Tolpits Lane Watford
WD18 9QP
United Kingdom


At Perry Testing, we specialise in providing a wide range of structural investigation and construction materials analysis services to the construction and engineering industries. Our team of highly skilled and experienced engineers are dedicated to ensuring your project meets the necessary safety standards. We offer services such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) scanning, Ferro scanning, load testing, concrete testing, and advisory services. We also test existing concrete structures to ensure any additional work does not damage services or reinforcements, a vital service for any construction or renovation project. We offer the testing needed to meet safety and reliability standards for new concrete structures or the refurbishment or adaptation of old ones. Services include California Bearing Ratio testing, Screed Soundness testing, Ultrasonic testing, Comprehensive Concrete Assessment Surveys, Concrete Testing and Soil Testing.

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CBR Testing – California Bearing Ratio
CBR was developed by the California Division of Highways for assessing the load-bearing capacity of soil and aggregate materials.
CBR testing involves compacting a soil sample within a mould under specified conditions of moisture and density. A plunger is then used to apply a load to the soil at a controlled rate. The test measures the pressure required to penetrate the soil with the plunger at a specific depth and compares it to the pressure needed to penetrate a standard material, usually crushed stone.
The ratio of the measured pressure to penetrate the soil to the pressure required for the standard material is the California Bearing Ratio. It indicates the relative strength of the soil or aggregate material and its ability to support loads. The CBR value is typically expressed as a percentage and is used in pavement design to assess the material's suitability for supporting traffic loads without excessive deformation or failure.
A higher CBR value implies better strength and load-bearing capacity, indicating a material that can withstand greater pressure without deforming. Engineers use CBR values to determine the appropriate design and thickness of pavement layers needed to support anticipated traffic loads, ensuring durable and stable roadways.

Pile Integrity Testing Pile Integrity Testing (PIT) is a non-destructive testing method used to assess the integrity and quality of foundation piles. It's crucial in construction to ensure the stability and load-bearing capacity of piles, which are structural elements used to transfer loads from a structure to the underlying soil or rock.
One of the services we offer is RAAC Concrete surveys. Do you require this? Our experience over 20 years means we have the skills to help.

Our Advantage

Our team of highly skilled and experienced engineers is committed to ensuring your project meets the necessary safety standards.



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