True Dermatology
Service Provider
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True Dermatology is a Dermatology Clinic and Hair Loss Center dedicated to providing you with full spectrum of medical, surgical, and cosmetic procedural dermatology services that is just right for you. Treating your skin and hair loss is our passion. Located in the heart of Fullerton and Huntington Beach CA, we seek to provide the best dermatology and hair loss treatment service across the Orange County, Los Angeles, and Inland Empire.
We are NOT a Medspa. Here at True Dermatology, we are NOT here to sell any over-priced "anti-aging" products. In fact, we don't sell any products at all! But if you chose us as your dermatologist, we promise to provide you with the safest and most effective treatment available for your hair and skin. It would be our utmost pleasure to help you achieve the healthiest hair and skin you deserve.
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