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UREEQA is a revolutionary platform that is powered by blockchain technology to help creators protect, manage, and monetize their work. UREEQA’s unique technology and validation process verifies the ownership, authorship, and originality of creative work, and is the exclusive global provider of Responsibly Minted™ NFTs. Our team of skilled Validators work through an extensive patent pending process to thoroughly investigate and validate creative works. UREEQA’s unique verification process generates a Package of Proof™ for the creative work that is represented as a Responsibly Minted™ NFT. This is a legally backed global process that supports the “balances of probabilities test” convention within copyright court decisions. UREEQA records the claim as a public, immutable record on the Ethereum blockchain within minutes of validation. Creators can stake their claim to their creations for a fraction of the cost and time when compared to traditional registration agencies. Get involved in the exciting world of creative work validation and investment on the blockchain with UREEQA.
Annual Sales Volume
$500,000 - $1 Million
Number of Employees
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