Bubbla Packaging, Inc.
Manufacturer, Importer or Master Wholesaler
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An invention conceived, developed and patented by Bubbla, that saved tens of millions of gallons of gasoline and diesel over the last decade+, by providing in-house inflation of air cushions rather than transporting already inflated bubble wrap and/or foam pallets. A savings ratio of of up to 240 to 1 cubic feet multiplied by billions of cubic feet of such materials used and shipped yearly wold wide. Initiating this idea with our 1993 patent and perfecting it with subsequent 2001, 2002 and 2003 patents have contributed immensely to our ecology. Additionally contributing to the reduction of CFO's by replacing foam pallets.
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Our Advantage
Better protection of products in transit.
Save money.
Save space.
Major contributor to ecological savings by the entire packaging industry.
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